
21 Super Simple Health Tips

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Sometimes the simplest tips are the best (and the easiest to implement). The first in a two part series, today’s post offers some super simple health tips you can use straight away, and a couple of health related quotes. Feel free to pin them to your Pinterest boards or copy them, print them out and pin (the old fashioned way) somewhere you can see them!

Simple Ways To Be Healthier

  1. Most people are dehydrated (especially in winter in areas where you have to heat your home) so try to drink 6-8 glasses of water daily.
  2. If you hate the taste of water, add a slice of lemon or lime. Stick with trying to drink 6 glasses a day for 22 days (most experts agree it takes at least 21 days to form a new habit).
  3. Feel a headache coming on? Try drinking a couple of glasses of water first before reaching for the painkillers.
  4. Getting out in the fresh air for five minutes while you wait for the water to work its magic can also stop that headache in its tracks.
  5. “To keep the body in good health is a duty. Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” ~ Buddha
  6. Start the day with exercise, even if it’s just a few stretches before you get out of bed.
  7. If feel like you’re gaining unhealthy weight, look to your cooking and eating habits first. Are you eating the wrong things for all the wrong reasons? Then look for other explanations (like hormonal imbalances).
  8. If you’re a parent, exercise with your kid/s. Exercise that kids love include skipping, hula hooping and skating.
  9. If you’re not a parent, don’t rule out fun activities like skipping, hula hooping and skating.
  10. “The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years.” ~ Deepak Chopra
  11.  To get your child interested in healthier foods, ask them to help you prepare and cook them. Try this Kids’ Fun and Healthy Cook Book.
  12. Step away from the computer. Go do some stretches. Or some yoga. Do it NOW!
  13. Instead of that second cup of coffee, have a glass of water, a natural juice or a smoothie.
  14. Keep healthy snacks and water on you at all times: in your bag, car, and office desk.
  15. To cut down on weight gain from alcohol, try white wine spritzers made with soda water or carbonated mineral water.
  16. If you like fruity cocktails, try substituting with mocktails, at least some of the time. Some of them are not much different to a natural juice or smoothie, and still delicious.
  17. Aim to have several alcohol free days each week.
  18. People who are too rooted in habit are using the same worn neural pathways. Exercise your brain by doing new things. Can’t face big changes? Try 52 Small Changes: One year to a happier, healthier you.
  19. If you seem to have low immunity, get your folic acid checked and take it as a supplement if needed.
  20. If you feel the need to use dietary supplements, consider high-quality food-grown ones. Wild Nutrition do some excellent ones (and that link gives you a discount on your first order).
  21. Fed up of green salads on a huge bed of boring lettuce? Consider salad veggies on a bed of couscous or  quinoa.
Getting healthy is an ongoing process. Commit to it, one small action at a time.

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Featured Image by LyfeFuel on Unsplash

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