
50 Simple Ways To Get Healthier

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Getting healthier isn’t easy, but it’s probably simpler than you think. What if you did just one new healthy thing each day for the next 50 days? And kept doing it? Wouldn’t you be looking at a healthier, happier you in the mirror, less than two months from today? Challenge yourself. 
Drink more water.
Eat some leafy greens.
Reduce glucose spikes by learning the simple hacks in this book (or follow its author @GlucoseGoddess on Instagram).
Learn to love smoothies.
Put the right ingredients in them.
Get at least five portions of fruit and veggies a day.
Eat more raw food.
Drink more green tea.
Drink more herbal teas in general.
Know what mix of nutrients you should be eating.
Learn what a serving size really looks like.
Stay well within safe drinking limits.
Learn what a measure of alcohol really looks like.
Cut down on all processed food.
If you must eat fast food, know what’s good for you.
Eat yummy healthy soups.
Instead of ordering a main course and dessert, order a soup or salad (they’re more filling than you think) and a main.
Eat fish. If you don’t or can’t eat fish, supplement with Omega-3 oils.
Practice the 20/20/20 rule.
Stretch regularly.
Find an exercise class you love: yoga, Zumba, figure skating. The more you love it the more you’ll stick to it.
Find another class you love: writing, drawing, quilting. It will boost your emotional well-being more than you imagine.
Wear sunscreen.
If you feel your diet is lacking in quality nutrients, consider a high-quality, food grown, multi vitamin (that link gives you £15 off your first order).
Use natural beauty products.
Quit smoking (for good, this time).
Exercise daily.
Get out of breath.
Improve your oral health. Brush your teeth. Floss. Or use a waterpik. Whatever works best for you.
Use natural cleaning products.
Spend time in nature.
Read inspiring books. It will lift your spirits.
Listen to inspiring music. See above.
Make time for friends and family. Socially active people are healthier, emotionally and physically.
Get up early.
Subscribe to newsletters that deliver inspiration and positivity to your inbox (like this one).
Spend time with positive people.
Cut down on time with negative people. (Try a simple ‘I can’t make it’ to the next invitation you get from one of them).
Learn to accept the things you cannot change.
Plan how to change the things you can.
Make sure you know the difference.
Say no to everything that isn’t a “Hell, yeah!”.
Be kind to yourself.
Laugh more.
Worry less.
Shop our health and wellness store for more inspiration (it’s powered by Amazon and you can shop there using your regular Amazon account).

Want to improve your life, week by week? Get our free guide, 20 Things To Do Every Week.

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